The images referenced, made accessible or made available to you on these pages are protected by the copyright and trademark laws of the United States and other countries. All images on this site are used for the sole purpose as JazzeOne Production business cards present and future and jazz related messages. If any image appears to infringe upon your copyrights, it is unintentional please let us know and we will removed them immediately.

Jazz Hall of Fame images are created from a licensed copy of Microsoft PowerPoint and Clip Art Pictures and are not to be sold, copied or reproduced from this sight.

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The midi files have been provided by various unknown artist for public use on the internet and we encourage protecting any copyrights. We are not responsible for any reproduction of the original songs by any artist. These files are not for sale or are not to be used for commercial gain. They appear as samplings of popoular jazz songs for your educational purposes only, please do not download from this site.  To learn more about these songs and original artist you should visit only websites who are authorized to reproduce and/or transact music sales.